36 Cold Hours
Well I have made no secret of it but Lac Du Coron has fished dreadfully for the last 4 or 5 weeks. When you would expect grotty low pressure, winds and rain (perfect fishing conditions) we have stay bone dry and it has gone from 30 degrees to 10 degrees in the space of 10 days with pressure through the roof!
So after such a tough few weeks for our anglers I wanted to take the chance to have a go myself. I wanted to try something different, so I laced the silt with 15kg's of Activ 8 and a few kilos of Sweetcorn.
Conditions wern't exactly ideal for those tactics but after a few liners I thought I had a chance the following day.
After some work around the lake and getting the rods out the Frutella pop Up tight to the far margin pulled up tight and I would down into another turbo charge Lac Du Coron 30.
Looks nice in its Autumn colours.