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Next time it will be you!

Last night I took the chance to get the rods out after a morning working at the lake. I needed to fish swim 1 as it is the last swim I haven't had a go in.

I planned to sleep in the Hyde so setting up was quick and simple, I had put a kilo or 2 of Coron specials on three spots when I 1st arrived. One spot right down to my left on a spot in front of an Iris bed. One on the dam wall under the trees and one directly opposite under the far bank overhangs. I chose 3 margin spots because the frogs had been super affectionate over the last week or so and I was sure the carp were mopping up the spawn and emerging tadpoles tangled up in the brambles and branches.

Before casting out though I quickly clipped the rods up, grabbed the stalking rods and headed up to the new section at the end of the channel. The sun was out, it was about 16 degrees and there was a pretty strong south westerly blowing, there had to be some up there.

As I arrived on the point it was clear that there were a lot of fish up there, bubbling everywhere, rolling, flanking, they were up here in huge numbers and again I think they were mopping up the frog spawn.

I had the rod ready to go and had watched 2 or 3 shows on one specific area, so that is where the rod was going. I had on my ever faithful Stiffun Multi rig, size 6 Sabre and all set up helicopter style.

I flicked the rig down the tree line pulling back slightly as it hit the surface to try an minimize disturbance as well as keeping things in the upper layers of silt.

The fish kept showing themselves but a bite wasn't forthcoming, it wasn't going to be as easy as it looked! After a investigating a few spots it eventually melted off and the battle ensued. Straight away it felt heavy and as it made its way for the tree line I was forced to clamp down hard, that seemed to work and I slowly started leading it back towards me where he decided one of the dot islands were worth a go. Needless to say he won and I was forced to don the waders to release him, not long later he went over the net and I had my reward, a stunning 43lbs mirror that you can see in all his glory on the video at the end of the blog.

After that excitement I headed off back down to swim one to get the rods out for the evening.

All 3 went out quickly and Skien (the dog) and I settled down outside the hyde to take in the sunset and learn a little more about Lac du Coron. Moments later though the 3rd rod in 'The Glory Hole' started to signal a few liners as something was clearly investigating my little baited area. A few minutes after that the bobbin started jumping up and down as a fish that clearly didnt't know what was going on boiled on the surface before making a 100mph dash across the surface towards the centre of the lake.

We spent the next 5 minutes playing tug of war until evetually going over the net. Again this stuner is on the video, look at the colours on it!

The night passed with only one lost fish on the same rod down the corner but as I stood watching the sunrise I was still pretty confident one would rattle off. Literally seconds later though I heard the gate behind me swing open as my little helper arrived for the day. It was literally 7am, what was he thinking! But I couldnt look a gift horse in the mouth, so reeled in and went and did a couple of hours work, not before putting out another few kilos.

Work done I got the rods back out for a few hours, it didn't take long for a result either, check out the video below!

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