Ltd exclusive baits available (1st come 1st serve)
For those anglers visiting us in the coming weeks I have a couple of Ltd quantity baits available on a 1st come 1st served basis. Im sure it will be of interest to a few of you instead of buying and bringing bait from the UK. I have a 16 & 20mm, very savoury shellfish bait packed full of attraction, liver and yeast. It is also a lovely pale colour that is very different from our usual feed baits. Available in 5kg for 40€ or 20kgs for 125€

I also have 2 x 20kg of 20mm Halibut pellet, perfect for hookbait and loose feed.
20kg sack for 55€

If you would like to order either of the limited baits or any of our house baits; Mainlines Activ8, Salty Squid, Fruitella or our Coron Specials feed bait please email me